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4 Stocking Stuffer Ideas That Will Knock Your Socks Off!

Struggling to come up with cool and creative stocking stuffer ideas? Here’s 4 easy ideas to make your next gift great!

The best stocking stuffers are unique, fun, thoughtful and small in size. They serve as a whimsical ‘side dish’ to the main course of presents under the tree. Of course, Board Blazers are extremely popular stocking stuffers for kids and teens because they’re cool, compact and relatively inexpensive. But, if you’re in need of more inspiration, try these fun ideas!

1. Something hard to wrap.

Homemade sweets and crafts make excellent stocking stuffers because they’re hard to wrap. If you’ve got a present that you’re struggling to wrap because it’s too small, awkwardly shaped, or fragile, make it a stocking stuffer instead. Wrap it in some newspaper or a small baggie and tuck it gently into the stocking. It’s an easy way to beautifully present those delicate gifts, and a thoughtful way to share your hobbies with your friends and family. In addition to homemade items like crafts and sweets, here’s a few more ideas:

Legos – A favorite of both boys and girls for many years, pour assorted Legos into a stocking to build a great gift!

Bear Claw Back Scratcher – We all love a good back scratch, and this is a great example of a hard to wrap item. Make it a stocking stuffer instead!

2. Fido’s Favorite.

Pets are part of our families, so get them a gift too! Treats and toys make great stocking stuffers for pets. Of course, leaving treats under the tree makes them vulnerable to getting opened early (and not by a human!), so hang them in a stocking on the mantle. Of course, make sure treats are tightly sealed so they don’t tempt your pet. Better yet, pick something they can enjoy all year round. Marvin the Moose makes a doggone good gift for Fido! Or, give (and get) Cat Scratch Fever! Read on for more ideas...

Stocking Stuffers for Pets

3. Think in pieces.

Break up larger presents into smaller pieces. Gift cards are an easy example of this. For example, the Amazon Kindle tablet is one of this year’s hottest gifts, so a subscription to Amazon Prime would make a great stocking stuffer so the recipient can begin downloading items right away. Or, use stocking stuffers as clues for bigger items. For example, if you’re gifting an Xbox, give a new videogame  or extra controller for that console first as a stocking stuffer and a hint of the big gift to come. Gift cards, tech accessories, and extra parts all make great stocking stuffer ideas in this category. Think about the biggest gift you’re giving, and then use a smaller item to compliment it as a stocking stuffer.

4. Something special.

Who doesn’t automatically assume the biggest present must be the best? We all do! But, if you’ve got something small but special to showcase, especially jewelry, make it stand out as a stocking stuffer. Tucking a ring, pendant, or bracelet into a stocking can make especially breathtaking stocking stuffer ideas for women. Watches, in particular, are classy stocking stuffer ideas for men. By setting these types of significant gifts apart from other gifts under the tree, you’ll make them stand out even more!

Keep in mind that jewelry doesn’t have to be expensive. Here’s a few of the most popular items on that are all under $50:

Sterling Silver White Round Diamond Heart Pendant – This beautiful pendent might steal her heart but not your money!

SO&CO New York Men's 5101 Quartz Watch– The contemporary silver design of this watch makes it an easy choice for men to wear with all colors.

Alex and Ani Initial Wire Bangle Bracelet – Personalized gifts are definitely a hot trend! Select the letter of the recipient’s first or last name to add a personal touch to this beautiful bracelet.

What are some of your favorite stocking stuffer ideas? Let us know in the comments below!

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