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How to Ride an Electric Skateboard Like a Boss: From Clueless to Cruisin'

How to Ride an Electric Skateboard Like a Boss: From Clueless to Cruisin'

Ahoy, brave souls of the 21st century! Curious about "how to ride an electric skateboard" and ready to leave the age-old tradition of manual skateboarding? You’ve come to the right place.

Welcome to the high-octane world of electric skateboarding! Where you leave the realm of normal skateboards behind, say goodbye to physical exertion, and say hello to having electrons zooming under your feet.

A man riding a OneWheel Electric Skateboard (Photo by nader saremi on Unsplash)

In this exclusive guide, we're about to embark on a magical journey - one where your feet do less pushing and more... well, just standing there looking cool.

If you've always dreamed of cruising down boulevards with wind-swept hair, all while barely lifting a finger (maybe just a thumb for that throttle), you’re in the right place. Buckle up, dear reader!

By the end of this, not only will you have mastered "how to ride an electric skateboard" like a boss, but pedestrians everywhere will be whispering, "Who is that electrifying skater?" as you zoom past.

What Are The Differences Between Electric Skateboards And Regular Skateboards?

Let’s dive into the skateboarding world's equivalent of 'manual vs. automatic transmission'. Before we delve into how to ride an electric skateboard, it's important to understand the contrasts.

You see, discussing how to ride an electric skateboard isn't just about wheels and boards; it's about heritage vs. horsepower, elbow grease vs. electricity, and, let’s face it, the '90s Tony Hawk vibes vs. 2020s Elon Musk vibes.

Regular Skateboard (Photo by Oleg Ivanov on Unsplash)

A regular skateboard is like your classic rock n' roll—raw, pure, and demanding a certain rhythm of the soul (and a lot of leg pushing). It's all about balance, timing, and occasionally scraping your knee while trying to nail that kickflip. But as we transition into how to ride an electric skateboard, there are new dynamics to consider.

On the flip side (pun fully intended), the electric skateboard is like the latest EDM track – slick, fast, and making you look way cooler than you probably are. As you learn how to ride an electric skateboard, you'll discover that with a motor propelling you, hills become breezy declines, and your only worry is whether your battery will last longer than your playlist.

So, whether you're kick-pushing old school or learning how to ride an electric skateboard and throttle-zooming into the future, there's a board for every breed. Just remember: it’s not the board; it’s the rider. (But, come on, having a bit of horsepower never hurt, right?)

Choosing An Electric Skateboard: Riding the Digital Wave in Style

You're ready to dive into the glamorous world of electric skateboards, eh? Decided that pumping your legs is just so passé? Brilliant!

But before you know how to ride an electric skateboard with a smirk and a breeze, you've got to choose your ride wisely. Getting familiar with "how to ride an electric skateboard" guides can boost your confidence on the streets.

Hold up, this isn't a hasty grocery run; it's an intricate dance of specs, bolts, and bytes. When looking for your dream electric skateboard, one does not simply "choose" – it's a strategic operation. So, alongside understanding "how to ride an electric skateboard," make sure you pick the board that suits you best. Roll up those sleeves, and let’s dive into the nitty-gritty!

Speed and Range: The Pulse and Stamina of Your Ride

Think of this as the heart and soul of your board. How fast do you want to blaze those trails? How long do you want your speed demon to last?

If you’re itching to feel the wind strongly against your face, go for a high-speed model.  Some boards, like the Plutonium 2S, can hit up to 68 mph. On the other hand, if you're more of a chill cruiser, a model like the isinwheel V8 might be your jam, letting you ride the breeze at a more relaxed 12 mph.

But hey, speed isn’t everything. What's the use of a Usain Bolt sprint if you can't finish the marathon? Enter: range. You don't want to be the sorry soul stuck halfway to your destination, lugging around a dead skateboard and waving at snickering pedestrians. 

For those long-haul riders, you might fancy something like the 'Lonestar Supersport™, boasting a range of 50-100 miles on a single charge. Meanwhile, casual riders might be okay with the RazorX Electric Skateboard which offers a comfy 6.5-mile range, perfect for those short trips or a quick frolic around the park.

In short, your board’s speed and range are a delicate dance between thrill and endurance.

Before you splurge on the sleekest board, ask yourself: Do I want to be a shooting star (bright and fast) or the ever-reliable moon (consistent and enduring)?

Construction: Crafting the Perfect Ride, Bolt by Bolt

Now, onto the bones of the beast. The construction of your board determines its durability, flex, and even ride comfort. It’s not just about what's under the hood (or deck, in this case) but also how it’s pieced together. Because when you're soaring down a hill at top speed, you'll want to trust every nut, bolt, and ply of your trusty skateboard.

The deck, my friends, is where all the action happens. For adrenaline junkies who fancy high jumps and daredevil moves, a sturdy maple deck could be your perfect match. It's robust, resilient, and the superhero of skateboard decks. 

On the flip side, for those who dream of cruising along coastal roads with wavy moves, a bamboo blend deck offers a responsive flex and that oh-so-satisfying bounce with every carve. It’s like having a mini surfboard under your feet but on wheels.

Speaking of wheels, let’s roll into another critical aspect of construction: trucks and wheels. 

If you’re a city cruiser navigating the concrete jungles and dodging pesky potholes, you’d want tighter trucks and smaller wheels. They offer precision and agility, making every turn like a masterful dance move.

But for those serene long rides down undulating country roads on ride electric skateboards, looser trucks and larger wheels are the way to go. They ensure stability and glide, letting you soak up the scenery without a wobble.

Technology: The Electric Skateboard's Digital Soul

Ah, the brains of the operation! From the responsiveness of the remote control to the smoothness of the braking system, the tech specs of your skateboard can make or break your ride. 

Eyeing built-in lights for that nighttime glow? Maybe an app that tracks your routes and performance? Or how about regenerative braking, turning your downhill rushes into extra juice for your board? Choose a board that's not just smart but Einstein-level genius.

Diving headfirst into the tech-laden world of electric skateboards, let’s discuss the digital marvels that truly make these boards a cut above their old-school siblings. It's like comparing a horse-drawn carriage to a self-driving car – both will get you to your destination, but one’s got a bit more... flair.

The remote control is often your primary link to the board's digital realm. Some boards boast remotes with LCD screens showing your speed, battery life, and terrain type. Meanwhile, some models offer minimalist remotes, focusing on feel and responsiveness. 

As for lights, nighttime riders, rejoice! Some skateboards come equipped with dazzling under-deck LEDs. Not only do they make you look like a sci-fi movie hero, but they also ensure that you’re visible to every distracted driver, inquisitive raccoon, and envious pedestrian.

Now, for the tech-savvy among us, certain skateboards even link to apps on your smartphone. You can tweak performance settings, track every ride, have it analyze your style, and even suggest new routes. It's like having a personal skating coach right in your pocket!

And, of course, let's touch on regenerative braking, the unsung hero of electric skateboard technology. Some boards harness the energy from your downhill adventures, feeding it back into the battery. It's like the skateboard's saying, "Thanks for the rush; here's some extra ride time!"

Getting Prepared: Safety Gear and Setup - Because Even Daredevils Need Helmets and Checklists!

Before you go channeling your inner Marty McFly, there's a not-so-tiny detail called preparation we need to address. Many beginners often underestimate the importance of understanding how to ride electric skateboard safely. 

So, to avoid getting titled as "Epic Faceplant of 2023," here's your guide to being prepared and not a pavement pancake.

Wear the Proper Safety Gear

We get it, you want to look like a skateboarding rockstar. And guess what? Helmets are the new black! No self-respecting e-skater should ever be caught without their trusty brain bucket.

And don’t even get us started on elbow and knee pads. Remember, the goal is to avoid turning your limbs into a modern art masterpiece of bruises. Some known brands have pads that are comfy and don't make you look like a reject from a 1980s roller disco.

Lastly, guards! Because, how are you going to show off your sick new board on Instagram if you’ve busted your wrist? Think ahead, my friend. Safety first, legends next!

Check Your Trucks and Settings

Now, onto the geekier (but oh-so-essential) part. Before every ride, especially on a brand-spanking-new board, do the wiggle test on your trucks. Too wobbly? Tighten them up. Feeling like turning requires superhuman strength? Maybe loosen them just a tad.

If you're wielding one of those high-tech boards with a swanky app, use it to check your board's settings. Trust us, the last thing you want is to hit a surprise turbo mode in the middle of a busy crosswalk. Those things can make a cheetah feel lazy.

Also, do a quick wheel spin test. Ensure they’re rolling smoothly and not making that weird squeaky noise, which is the skateboard's way of saying, “Help, I need some TLC!”

Familiarize Yourself With The Remote Control

There’s an essential gadget you need to be BFFs with before you take that electric beast out for a spin: the remote control.

This little wonder isn't just about accelerating and braking; it’s the magical wand that connects you to your electric skateboard. Let's decode its mysteries, shall we?

Man Holding an Electric Skateboard (Photo by Martin Nordström on Unsplash)

Understanding the Basics

Every remote might look slightly different, but they mostly speak the same language. Typically, there's a throttle (to make you zoom zoom) and a brake (to make you woah, Nelly!). 

The trick? Subtlety. No one likes a driver – or a rider – with a lead foot (or thumb). Gradual acceleration and gentle braking are the keys to smooth rides and not ending up with an unexpected flying lesson.

LED Indicators & Their Little Secrets

Most remotes come with LED indicators. They're like the board’s way of texting you. "Battery low. Come home," it might say, or "Why are you pushing me so hard? Chill on the speed, daredevil!" 

Learn their blinks and colors. Green usually means go, but a rapid red? Time for a pit stop.

Mode Selection (for the Fancy Ones)

Some remotes, especially those accompanying the more advanced models like the 'E-Skate Elite X', come with various modes including a "beginner mode." These are often labeled as Beginner, Intermediate, Expert – or as we like to call them: “Baby Steps,” “I Got This,” and “Hold My Juice.”

Familiarize yourself with them and resist the urge to go full “Hold My Juice” on day one.

Syncing & Troubleshooting

Every once in a while, your remote might throw a fit and lose connection with your board. No biggie. Dive into the manual (yes, that booklet you ignored) and look for syncing instructions.

Usually, it's as easy as pressing a button combo or doing a little dance with your board and remote.

Battery Alerts

This can't be stressed enough. Always keep an eye on the remote's battery life. It's your board's lifeline. If it dies, you're essentially riding a very heavy and very manual skateboard. Charge it regularly, and maybe invest in a power bank for those longer escapades.

Select Your Skateboard Stance: It’s Not Just About Looking Cool (But That Helps, Too!)

Have you ever wondered how to ride an electric skateboard while looking cool without risking broken bones or wrist injuries, especially during your first few rides? Inexperienced riders, with little practice, can easily lose balance, leading not only to wrist injuries but also to serious head injuries. You need to know the right stance.

Regular Stance (Photo by Morgan Vander Hart on Unsplash)

Skateboard stance isn’t just about how you stand on your board; it’s like your signature move. Before you go trying to imitate the pros, or worse, adopting the “flail and pray” method, let's delve into the nitty-gritty of selecting the ideal skateboard stance to keep you safe and stylish.

Regular Stance

Welcome to the world of the classic, the OG – the Regular stance. Fun fact: It's called 'Regular' not because it's boring but because it's the more common stance.

If you're setting up to ride an electric skateboard with a Stance, follow these steps:

1. Front Foot Flair (Left Foot Forward)

Pop that left foot up front, with your left foot forward, diagonally, strutting it just behind those flashy front bolts. Your toes should point roughly towards the front right corner of the board, ensuring your left foot forward position. This angle allows for a comfortable balance between forward movement and the ability to turn or adjust as needed. Remember to lean forward slightly to maintain momentum and balance.

2. Back Foot Boogie (Right Foot)

Now, that foot of yours? Oh, it's not just along for the ride. Stick it near the tail, keeping it chill and parallel when you're just cruising. But when it’s time to show off those sick turns? Angle that foot and let it take control.

3. Balance and Weight Distribution

In a stance, your weight will generally be more distributed towards your front foot, but this can vary depending on the specific maneuver or action you're performing. For example, when accelerating on an electric skateboard, leaning slightly forward can help maintain stability.

4. Pushing and Braking

With a stance, you'd typically use your back foot to push the electric board forward. On an electric skateboard, the motor handles acceleration and the braking system controls deceleration. However, understanding this dynamic can be beneficial, especially if you ever need to kick-push or control the speed and braking manually.

5. Trial, Error, and Absolute Triumph

The secret sauce to mastering the stance? Falling, laughing it off, and getting right back on. You’ll wiggle, wobble, and occasionally eat the pavement. But remember, every great skater has a few battle scars and epic stories to tell!

Goofy Stance

Now, for those trailblazers who like to lead with their right foot forward, welcome to Team Goofy! And no, it’s not named after the Disney character, though you can embrace that fun, zany energy. 

Goofy Stance (Photo by Pia Kamp on Unsplash)

The Goofy stance is about leading with your right and steering with your left. 

1. Front Foot Fabulousness (Right Foot)

For all the times you’ve been told ‘left is right’, here’s your moment to shine, Goofy riders! Prop that foot up front, like a rockstar taking center stage.

2. Back Foot Ballet (Left Foot)

Now for that foot of yours. Tuck it close to the tail like it’s sneaking up for a surprise. While it might seem like it's playing second fiddle, it’s got all the moves regarding twists, turns, and those sweet maneuvers.

3. Balance — Like a Pro Surfer Facing Backwards

With the goofy stance, it’s all about exuding confidence, even if you feel like you’re facing the wrong way. Imagine you’re a penguin sliding on ice — it might look unconventional, but boy, is it graceful! 

4. Push and Brake — Lefty’s Time to Shine

Here's where the foot gets to flex. Sure, with electric power, you're not kick-pushing old-school style, but if you ever had to, that foot's got the rhythm. It’s your stability, your sudden-stop savior, and your secret weapon when things get dicey.

5. Embrace the Goof

They call it “Goofy” for a reason. Expect to be the fun, unpredictable one on the ride! You’ll have moments of "Whoa, that was close!" and maybe even a few surprise pirouettes. But trust me, every topple, every twist, every turn is a step closer to becoming an e-skate legend!

Foot Placement

Regardless of whether you’re Team Regular or Team Goofy, the positioning of those fancy feet of yours is crucial. 

Your front foot (the leader of the pack) should be angled diagonally, resting snugly behind the front bolts, ready to guide your board wherever your heart desires. The back foot? Positioned across the tail, ready to push, brake, or just be the reliable anchor. 

Remember, your feet are like the captain and first mate of the SS Skateboard – communicating, collaborating, and occasionally squabbling over who gets to lead.

To figure out your natural stance, try the "Scare Test." Have a friend (preferably one you trust) surprise push you from behind (gently, we’re not endorsing violence here). The foot you naturally put forward to catch yourself is likely your leading foot!

How To Ride Electric Skateboard: Acing Your First Ride in Three Simple Steps

You've watched countless videos, read all the manuals, and maybe even dreamed about it, and now the moment is here: your first foray into the exhilarating world of how to ride electric skateboard." 

Before you attempt to recreate that scene from your favorite skate movie, let's set some foundations so your debut doesn't become an epic blooper reel.

Photo by FitNish Media on Unsplash

Start Riding

Here's the lowdown: power on that electric board and pair it with its trusty remote controls. Find a nice, flat surface (no, your sloped driveway doesn’t count). Now, with your chosen snowboard stance – Regular or Goofy, knees bent, and your remote controls in hand, give a gentle push with your back one foot to kick-start your momentum.

Once in motion, ease into the throttle on the remote. Remember, we aim for a graceful glide, not a rocket launch. Gradually increase your speed as you gain confidence. And just like that, you're nailing the basics of how to ride electric skateboard!

Learn How to Turn

Turning isn’t just about looking suave; it's about commanding your board to follow your adventurous whims. 

Leaning forward is the game. Gently shift your body weight to the toes to make your board turn left and to the heels to venture right. Imagine you’re dancing with your board – lead with confidence, but don’t step on its toes (or front wheels). 

The smoother your moves, the more fluid your turns. Before you know it, you'll be carving paths as if you were born to ride.

Learn How to Brake

Okay, speedster, it's all fun and games until you need to halt your electric steed. That remote control isn’t just for speeding up; it's your brakes too. But remember, in emergencies or if your electronic brakes fail, foot braking is a classic and effective method to slow down.

Gently pull back or press the designated brake button, easing into a slow stop. No sudden movements unless you fancy an impromptu somersault. If using foot braking, gradually drag the sole of one foot on the ground until you come to a stop.

Practice braking from various speeds, using both the remote and foot braking. The goal? To come to a standstill without making a dramatic entrance into a hedge or startling innocent bystanders.

How to Fall Correctly: The Art of Graceful Faceplants

If you already have an idea of how to ride electric skateboard, we're about to discuss riding skills every skateboarder should master: the art of falling. 

First and foremost, if you feel the fall coming, don't fight it—embrace it. Channel your inner tree leaf gracefully descending in autumn. The goal is to avoid stiffening up; relaxed limbs are less likely to suffer breaks or sprains. 

If the ground beckons and you're moving forward, shift your body weight forward and aim to roll with the fall, turning your head to the side to protect that beautiful face of yours. Your aim? Distribute the impact across your body rather than taking it all on one point.

Lastly, if you’ve invested in the recommended protective gear (and we seriously hope you have), trust in its protective power. Wrist guards can absorb some of the impact, saving you from fractures, while knee and elbow pads can turn potentially painful scrapes into mere grazes.

Remember, even the most seasoned skateboarders fall—it's all part of the ride. The trick is to rise back up, dust off, and hop back on with a story to tell and a lesson learned.

Advanced Electric Skateboarding Techniques: Because You Weren't Born to Be Basic

Gone are the days when merely standing on your board without taking a nosedive was a major achievement. Now, with your newfound swagger and confidence, you're ready to explore the next level of how to ride electric skateboard.

Let's delve into techniques that will leave onlookers in awe and have you feeling like the superhero of the skatepark.

Tricks on an Electric Skateboard

"Wait, you can do tricks on these things?!" Absolutely! While your e skateboard might be heavier than its traditional counterpart, with the right dose of bravery (and practice), the world is your trick oyster. Here are some tricks you could try:

The Electric Ollie

Ah, the classic! Just because you're on an electric skateboard doesn't mean you can't pop it. The Ollie is the foundation of many tricks. Crouch down, pop that tail, and jump, using your front foot to level the board out. 

Word of caution: E-skateboards are heavier, so your Ollie might not get as high as on a regular skateboard, but hey, it’s an ELECTRIC Ollie!

Manual Like a Machine

Balancing on the rear wheels while in motion? That's a manual! Your electric skateboard's powerful torque can give your manual an extra boost, making you look like you’re defying physics. Just remember: balance, correct posture, and a sprinkle of swagger are key!

The Spin Cycle 

Turn, baby, turn! With your weight centered and using a little help from your electric motor, you can pull off a smooth 180-degree (or, for the daredevils, 360-degree) spin. It's like a pirouette but way cooler because, you know, you're on a skateboard.

Slide & Glide

Think of this as power-sliding but electrified. With speed, lean back or forward while turning sharply. Your skateboard’s wheels will lose grip, allowing you to slide. It’s like drifting with a car, but again, on a skateboard.

Jump & Bump

Spot a small obstacle? Approach it at a comfortable speed, pop the board slightly using your feet, and let the board bump over it. Sure, it’s not as dramatic as jumping a ramp, but hey, it’s a start, and you're doing it with style!

Kick Push

Ah, the age-old technique of kick pushing, where old school meets new school. Just because your board has a battery doesn’t mean you can't kick it (literally). 

Kick-pushing can save battery life on long cruises and give you a feel akin to riding a traditional skateboard. Place your front foot diagonally across the board, push off with the back foot, and let the electric motor assist as needed.

Riding Fast On An Electric Skateboard

For the speed demons among us who love to "ride fast," this one's for you. Riding fast isn’t just about maxing out the throttle; it’s an art.

Ensure your weight is distributed correctly – leaning slightly forward reduces the chance of wobbles. And remember always to scan the path ahead; potholes, stones, or other obstacles can quickly turn from minor nuisances to major hazards at high speeds. 

As exhilarating as speed is, control and safety equipment are your best friends. That's right, even when exploring how to ride an electric skateboard (or electric longboard) at breakneck speeds, safety should always be your front-seat passenger

Practice: The Not-So-Secret Ingredient to Electric Skateboarding Master

Ever hear the old adage, "Practice makes perfect?" Well, whoever coined that phrase had the foresight to see the e skateboard revolution coming! 

You see, while electric skateboards come with a futuristic flair, becoming a true e-board maestro still follows the age-old recipe of commitment, repetition, and a dash of good-humored resilience.

Photo by Yomex Owo on Unsplash

Starting your electric skateboarding journey might feel akin to learning a new dance. At first, you're all left feet, awkward movements, and the occasional misstep that makes you question your life choices

But here's the magic: With each session, each mile traveled, and yes, each little tumble, you're getting better. The turns become smoother, the speed more manageable, and before you know it, you're not just riding; you're flowing.

So, whether it's dedicating 15 minutes each day to hone a new trick or setting weekend e-skating adventures, remember that consistency is king. The more you practice, the more in tune you become with your board. Embrace the journey, cherish the progress, and always, always keep rolling!

Must-Have eSkate Accessories: Gear Up for the Ultimate Ride!

With accessories in your arsenal, not only will you ensure a safer ride, but you'll also elevate your eSkate experience to professional levels. Here are some recommendations:

1. Protective Safety Gear: This should always top the list. Helmets, elbow pads, knee pads, wrist guards, and even padded shorts. No matter how experienced you are, safety first!

2. Skateboard Backpack: Specifically designed for electric skateboards, these backpacks have straps to secure your board and compartments for your charger, remote, and other essentials.

3. High-Quality Lights: If you plan to skate during the dusk or dawn hours, attachable front and rear lights are essential. They increase visibility for both you and the oncoming traffic.

4. Remote Control Lanyard: The last thing you want is to drop or lose your remote mid-ride. A lanyard keeps it secure around your wrist.

5. Extra Batteries and Fast Charger : For those who are always on-the-go, having a spare battery can be a lifesaver. A fast charger reduces downtime between rides.

6. Board Stand: Especially if you've got a premium eSkate, a stand lets you display your board in style while keeping it off the floor.

7. Waterproofing Spray: An electric skateboard (or electric longboard if you'd like)is an investment, and a waterproofing spray helps protect your board's electronic components from unexpected splashes or rain.

8. Wheel Cleaners and Maintenance Kit: Keeping your wheels clean ensures a smoother ride and prolongs their life. A maintenance kit can include tools for tightening screws, adjusting skateboard trucks, and cleaning bearings.

9. Bash Guards: These handy add-ons protect the nose and tail of your skateboard from damage during those accidental collisions or hard stops.

10. Custom Grip Tape: Not just for style (though that's a bonus), grip tape provides traction for your feet, and custom options allow you to showcase your personality.

Signing Off: From Zero to Electric Skateboard Hero!

Well, dear thrill-seeker, if you've rolled with us this far, it's safe to say you're no longer wobbling on the starting line of the “How to Ride Electric Skateboard” race. You're probably halfway down the track, wind in your hair, electric hum beneath your feet, and an undeniable swagger that shouts, "Look at me, world! I'm cruisin' like a boss!"

Photo by Eddie Kopp on Unsplash

As you embark on this electrifying journey, remember that every pro-skater, from the daredevils to the cruisers, started just where you did – clueless but curious about most electric skateboards. It’s the dashes of dedication, sprinkles of safety, and generous servings of practice that morphed them from floundering fish to soaring eagles of the skate park.

So, the next time someone asks you, "How to ride Electric Skateboard?" with a twinkle in your eye and a smirk, you can confidently say, "Like a boss, my friend, like a boss." 

Until then, keep the wheels spinning and the spirit grinning. Catch you on the flip side!

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